Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July Liftin'

DTG: 04JUL13/15:45
LOC: Brownfield Residence, Oroville, CA
Events: Axle Clean & Press Away, 18" Deads

I have to admit it; even without an invite to North American Strongman Nationals, I took a look at the entry and the events list. The overhead events will by far be my biggest challenge, if I win an invite.

273 Axle Clean & Press Away for 2
My plan going in to the 4th of July workout was to hit some static events. It was about 108 degrees outside and I didn't want any part of moving events in the heat, I got my fill of that the previous weekend. Besides, it was a Thursday and moving events were already scheduled for Sunday.

After a brief warm-up the crew and I moved into some light Axle Clean and Press for triples, doubles, singles and finally some heavier work. My final three sets were: 233x1, 253x1, 273x2. It's not strong by any means but for me, it's an improvement. I recently hit 290 on a Barbell Clean and Press and slightly failed to lockout 300 pounds. I've never hit 300 overhead on anything and I'm inching towards it.

643 18" Dead from Blocks

After overhead work, we moved into 18" Deads. I recently made these blocks and we decided to put them to the test. I also recently failed to pull 555 off of these. I'm a few weeks out from Police / Fire / Military Nationals and a component of the Push-Pull medley is a Truck Tire Dead Lift, I've seen it at Brute Strength Gym before and it's about an 18" Dead. Hitting that rep was good for me today, a little improvement since missing it a few weeks ago.

I wanted to finish with some Car Deads, and the rest of the crew did but I had to take off early to pick up a salad my wife prepped for the get together and the newborn baby. I'll have to hit Car Deads on Sunday with Events training but, that's the way it goes. You put in the work when you can. All and all, even though it was short it was a good workout with a good crew. A few days later, writing this blog, I don't feel the slightest twinge in my back. It's been a long time since I was able to push and pull weights like this and feel good afterwards, it may be a good end to the season yet.

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